Tomato by Shibby - UniFi Vlan500 & Vlan600
Finally, 2x 3-digit Vlans now possible based on Shibby's Tomato build136 !!
Thanks and credits go to Shibby for his hardwork!
Please visit his website and consider to make some donation for token of appreciation
After my last testing around Oct'2015 last year, back then can only use the workaround offset method to create 1x 3-digit Vlan.500 for PPPoE only.
Noticed the recent new build 136 (released around Apr'2016 this year), so pulled out some of the following Broadcom toys, setup & test again...
Voilà, both Vlan500 & Vlan600 is now working for UniFi !!!!
Tested the following Broadcom chips and confirmed working on UniFi both Vlan.500 (PPPoE) and Vlan.600 (IPTV) :
Notes :
- For RT-AC56U-A1, managed to setup and it works, however my unit somehow is having problem with the LED lights and also certain webgui pages display issue. Not sure what went wrong, suspect my unit already became kuku since I've been flashing & testing this unit many times previously in-between stock~Tomato~OpenWRT~DDWRT
- I've also tested build136 on some very old Broadcom devices like the WHR-HP-G54, RT-N12 & RT-N12-B1, but no luck to make it works ...